Podocarpus can be seen everywhere in our south Florida landscapes and has recently become one of the most popular hedges available due to their durability and the privacy they provide. When we talk about privacy hedges, podocarpus is always at the front fort of the conversation. Podocarpus offers an evergreen sleek look and can be maintained into a perfect boxy hedge that is beautiful to look at and looks very high end. Podocarpus hedges are straight out of an english garden and give you that refined high end look for a privacy hedge. Podocarpus are also minimal maintenance and can be taken care of which minimal water and spraying. The podocarpus hedge does not get the pests and bugs that infect the ficus and they remain in that beautiful evergreen color all year long. Podocapus hedges come in typical 3 different sizes, the 7 gallon podocarpus bucket, 15 gallon podocarpus bucket, the 25 gallon podocarpus bucket and to start off it just depends on what size you are looking to start your magnificent podocarpus privacy hedge with. You can never go wrong with a podocarps hedge as it will enhance your home value and look beautiful in your property.